>Either that or you are just hitting "Reply" instead of "Reply-All".  Further
>discussion of this is OT for this list though so if you have further comments
>that you'd like to share, you'll need to follow-up on the cygwin-talk list.
>Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com

Correct, as 99.9% of the e-mail that I get and respond to is a simple reply.
Old habits die hard when that is the way I answer the e-mail that I get, and
I get tons.

I'll just have to suffer through :-) :-)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

BTW, having cygwin on the XP box has been a lifesaver, figuratively speaking.
As far as I am concerned, the XP's GUI idea of setting up timer jobs is
extremely cumbersome.  Being able to use cron to run a script to start a
program to run a DVB-S (satellite broadcast capture) card is extremely useful.
Also being able to use split to break up files bigger then 4GB, in order to
save them on DVD-ROM is a big plus.  I gew up with BSD 4.x, from way back and
rather use Unix/Linux any day over Windblows.

Kudos to all that have developed cygwin.

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