Larry Hall wrote:
Mister Fred Ma wrote:
Using an administrator account, I installed cygwin & sshd for all
users on Windows XP.  The administrator account is local to the
machine, while my nonadministrator account is a domain power user
account.  When I launch a cygwin bash shell as administrator, things
are fine.  When I launch it as nonadministrator, I get the message

  Your group is currently "mkpasswd".  This indicates that
  the /etc/passwd (and possibly /etc/group) files should be rebuilt.
  See the man pages for mkpasswd and mkgroup then, for example, run
  mkpasswd -l [-d] > /etc/passwd
  mkgroup  -l [-d] > /etc/group
  Note that the -d switch is necessary for domain users.

Here is what I did to create /etc/passwd and /etc/group.

As administrator, I did

  mkpasswd -l >| /etc/passwd
  mkgroup -l >| /etc/group

As nonadministrator, I then did

  mkpasswd -d | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "cat >> /etc/passwd"
  mkgroup -d | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "cat >> /etc/group"

As an indication of proper functionality, I noted that I can
successfully log in using


Is there anything further I can do to avoid the warning message
at the start of this posting?  As a possible clue, I noticed that
when I log onto Windows as nonAdministrator and start cygwin bash,
my home diretory ~ is

  /c/Documents and Settings/NonAdminAccount

Here, c:\ is mounted as /c.  When I ssh into
[EMAIL PROTECTED], however, ~ becomes /home/NonAdminAccount,
which is c:\cygwin\home\NonAdminAccount.

'ssh' uses the information in your '/etc/passwd' file to determine your
home directory.  You can use the '-h' flag to mkpasswd to set this as
you desire, if the default is not what you want.

    cygcheck -cvs output, as queried from NonAdminAccount

Please don't append this information,

Apologies -- I did this because it was requested in the past.
Common practice and expectations might have changed since.

Thanks for the tip on setting the ssh login directory.


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