> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John McNulty
> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 7:07 AM
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: ssh password-less cmds to Windows 2003 don't return 
> any output
> Hello,
> I've been testing executing command via password-less SSH (public key)
> logins from  MacOSX and OpenVMS clients to a Redhat EL AS 4 server,
> and a WinXP Home system (with Cygwin's OpenSSH).  All works ok and I
> can issue test commands like:
> $  ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] ipconfig
> and see the output from ipconfig on the client.
> However I've just installed and configured Cygwin OpenSSH on a Windows
> 2003 server, and setup password-less logins (via public keys) as
> before. But when I try and issue a command via ssh from the client I
> get no command output back at all.  The remote command just completes
> silently.  The password-less login is working just fine.
> Does anyone else see this and have any idea why I'm getting 
> this behavior?

I do not see this and I do not know why you are seeing that behavior.
I am reporting that 

  $ ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] server] [command]

produces user-visible output when I run that command from RHEL 3
or RH 7.3.

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