Will Beldman wrote:

 > In reply to:
 >> On 03 July 2006 14:50, Will Beldman wrote:
>> I need to determine disk usage for each directory on a Microsoft cluster
 >> server. As a linux junkie, du is *the* tool for automating this kind of
 >> stuff so I installed cygwin, mapped some drives and tried to schedule
 >> the utility to run at night. However, I get a lot of errors thrown back
 >> such as:
 >> 1. "No such file or directory" - Which tends to appear on weird
 >> filenames (like with spaces or ' or some other character) or when I
>> don't have permission to access the drive (but that's something I can fix)

>Without seeing your script and knowing the dir names in question, it's hard > to say, but the obvious bet would be some kind of shell quoting/escaping bug
 > in the way you invoke 'du'.
Right, I was sure of this. But how would I make du properly escape? I'm trying to run the utility on S:/*. I don't have a defined list of directories to run against.

Use POSIX paths (i.e. /cygdrive/s).  Here I think you've found an application
for 'find'.  How about something like:

find /cygdrive/s -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 du

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
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