I'm sorry, the message appeared to be formatted properly when I posted it but something must have happened during transmission. Each file should have three lines. the data file has abc, def, and ghi. The filter file has abc, de, and ghi. The de line is significant to test the -w whole word matching flag. I appreciate your looking at this and I'm sorry for the confusion. Could you try it again with the files the way I just described and see if you might be able to reproduce the problem?

===== data.txt =====
===== filter.txt =====


"Christopher Faylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 01:53:32PM -0400, Daniel Einspanjer wrote:
Using the following files both of which had dos2unix run on them to be sure
there were no line-ending issues:

===== data.txt =======

===== filter.txt =====

These commands work as expected:
$ fgrep -f filter.txt data.txt
$ tail -1 data.txt | fgrep -wf filter.txt

But this command fails to return ghi:
$ fgrep -wf filter.txt data.txt
So it seems that after a match is discarded because it is not a full word
(due to the -w flag), subsequent full word matches are also discarded.

Maybe it's a typo in your simplified test case but fgrep -w shouldn't match
defghi since the input is deghi.

I've tested this with the grep 2.5.1 installed on a recent Gentoo GNU/Linux
machine and it behaves properly so I am guessing it might be a problem
specific to the cygwin port.

I tried this test on Cygwin, Gentoo, and FC5 and got consistent results
on all.  If I remove the 'f' in defghi from data.txt then it also works
consistently on all three systems, i.e., it returns:



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