Brian Ford wrote:
On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Darryl Miles wrote:
Doesn't this explain the problem nicely?

Yes that casts light on the problem. Did you get around to trying to reverse the direction of the data flow through the pipe or any other similar testing to form a conclusion ?

The problem here is that I am a Unix person, this is the principal reason why CYGWIN appeals to me. So I really dont have the motivation to "investigate" the matter and hunt down undocumented platform quirks. The FILE_PIPE_LOCAL_INFORMATION is also an undocumented use of NtQueryInformationFile.

I do have the energy to work on my proposal to implement until completion but even that it a little mared by the possibility of having such a patch rejected by the committers.

Unfortunately this is how open source is, no one has the right to dictate what another person spends his time working on.


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