At 01:35 PM 8/21/2006, Dave Korn wrote:
>On 21 August 2006 18:28, William A. Hoffman wrote:
>> However, one thing that might have averted this thread would have been an
>> email 
>> to the cygwin list, (prior to the release announcement) that described the
>> change you were going to make.
>  The hypothesis that someone who doesn't bother watching out for one kind of
>announcement related to make is going to be watching out for another kind of
>announcement related to make seems implausible to me.

Perhaps, but that benefit was not one of the two I listed.  I agree, that
it most likely would have been missed.  However, as a separate subject line
of, make is changing beware, it may have been noticed.  Let's face make
is not a project you expect to see a bunch of change happening on, especially
a change that breaks existing makefiles.  


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