On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 03:13:21PM -0800, infoterror wrote:
>Christopher Faylor-2 wrote:
>>Since you haven't been able to come up with any cygwin-specific
>>information (or any information really), I'm declaring this topic over.
>>If you want to continue in this vein, use cygwin-talk.  This is your
>>only warning.
>I'm sorry you're having a tantrum.  For those of us with a background
>in logical argument, what's happened here is obvious and typical.
>We're speaking different languages, and you've made no effort to
>understand what I'm saying because you take it as a personal insult
>that someone dare suggest your project could use some additions.  This
>is all-too typical in IT.  Good luck in your quest for maturity and
>logical coherence.

Bye, bye Mr. Anonymous Coward.


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