"Charles D. Russell" wrote:

> What is the easiest way to get rcp or scp working on a simple home
> wireless LAN?  I get:

rcp is old, deprecated, and insecure.  Don't waste your time with that
one, *especially* on a wireless connection.

> $ scp arctime [EMAIL PROTECTED]:testfile
> ssh: connect to host sony06 port 22: Connection refused

This implies that you did not install the ssh daemon.  You're knocking
on port 22, so to speak, but nobody's home.

> I have set up  /etc/hosts,  .rhosts, and  .ssh/authorized_keys.   Is
> there something else to configure?

Yes, of course.  Make sure you've installed the openssh package, run
ssh-host-config and ssh-user-config, and read
/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README if you have problems.

> Simple Windows File Sharing works OK,.

I don't follow how that is relevant at all.  Unless you are mentioning
it to show that connectivity exists, but ping would be a better
indicator of that, I think.


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