On 12/11/06, ERIC HO  wrote:
I was able to use Windows Explorer to open the file by double clicking the 
file. I was able to use cygstart open the file with full path. The problem is 
with all file type. I can do a cygstart http://www.cygwin.com/ with no problem. 
The result from:
 strace cygstart hello.txt |grep hello.txt
is as below:
    20   11399 [main] cygstart 732 build_argv: argv[1] = 'hello.txt'
  202   12600 [main] cygstart 732 normalize_posix_path: src hello.txt
   46   12686 [main] cygstart 732 normalize_posix_path: 
/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/hello.txt = normalize_posix_path (hello.txt)
   22   12708 [main] cygstart 732 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: 
conv_to_win32_path (/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/hello.txt)

Are you running the command from inside your C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory?

When I run the command, it checks my current directory before looking
anywhere else.

File does not exist:
$ strace cygstart hello.txt | grep hello.txt
  48   30028 [main] cygstart 444 build_argv: argv[1] = 'hello.txt'
 445   32605 [main] cygstart 444 normalize_posix_path: src hello.txt
  52   32750 [main] cygstart 444 normalize_posix_path: /hello.txt =
normalize_posix_path (hello.txt)
  49   32799 [main] cygstart 444 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
conv_to_win32_path (/hello.txt)
  47   32903 [main] cygstart 444 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
src_path /hello.txt, dst C:\cygwin\hello.txt, flags 0xA, rc 0
 223   33126 [main] cygstart 444 symlink_info::check:
GetFileAttributes (C:\cygwin\hello.txt) failed
 106   33289 [main] cygstart 444 symlink_info::check:
GetFileAttributes (C:\cygwin\hello.txt.lnk) failed
  46   33387 [main] cygstart 444 symlink_info::check: 0 =
symlink.check (C:\cygwin\hello.txt, 0x22C040) (0x80000A)
  54   33441 [main] cygstart 444 path_conv::check:
this->path(C:\cygwin\hello.txt), has_acls(1)
Unable to start 'hello.txt': The specified file was not found.

File does exist:
$ strace cygstart hello.txt | grep hello.txt
  47   30081 [main] cygstart 3992 build_argv: argv[1] = 'hello.txt'
 443   32711 [main] cygstart 3992 normalize_posix_path: src hello.txt
  47   32853 [main] cygstart 3992 normalize_posix_path: /hello.txt =
normalize_posix_path (hello.txt)
  48   32901 [main] cygstart 3992 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
conv_to_win32_path (/hello.txt)
  48   33006 [main] cygstart 3992 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
src_path /hello.txt, dst C:\cygwin\hello.txt, flags 0xA, rc 0
  51   33251 [main] cygstart 3992 symlink_info::check: 0 =
symlink.check (C:\cygwin\hello.txt, 0x22C040) (0x80000A)
  58   33309 [main] cygstart 3992 path_conv::check:
this->path(C:\cygwin\hello.txt), has_acls(1)

Neither one looks at my Windows system32 directory.


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