Hi Eric,

ERIC HO wrote:
The command and out are as follows:
/cygdrive/c/user $cmd /c cd
The latest snapshot (2006-12-11) has the same problem.
I went back to 1.5.22-1 release and the problem is fixed.

Not sure which change causes this.

The bug was found and fixed, and a new Cygutils version which includes this fix will hopefully be released soon. (If you can't wait, feel free to either build a new version yourself with the patch, or download an executable from <http://www.mscha.net/tmp/cygstart.exe>.)

Note that this version will work fine in the latest snapshot (2006-12-11), but not in the version you were using when you originally reported the problem (2006-11-30), though.

Thanks for reporting this,

- Michael

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