Wynfield Henman wrote:
I have managed to confuse myself regarding libraries under cygwin,
after reading extensively on building dlls under cygwin.....

Please check if my understanding is correct.
(1) For simple static libraries ld's output is fine.
    Because only cygwin code will access it.

(2) Does this follow with *nix shared library format? (if only used by
cygwin programs which
   emulate *nix (does it also know about shared library objects)?

(3) The ms-dll shared library format is only necessary if we want
ms-programs to be able to
    use the program.

There's no incompatibility of object format between Cygwin static libs
and those created by the MS compiler.  Ditto for DLLs.  There is no such
thing as shared libraries in the traditional UNIX sense on Windows.  The
only "incompatibilities" between Cygwin built libs/DLLs and MS's are:

  1. References to C++ in libs/DLLs built in one won't be resolved in the
     other (this is true when mixing and matching C++ object code from any
     compiler).  This is not a problem for C code.

  2. Calling Cygwin compiled code from a native executable needs some extra
     steps to make sure that the Cygwin C-runtime initialization code gets
     called.  The reverse situation is not generally a problem.

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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  • Re: libraries Larry Hall (Cygwin)

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