On Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 08:22:50PM -0600, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 07:17:47PM -0600, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>>>Igor Peshansky wrote:
>>>>Open-source works by scratching your itch, not by getting someone 
>>>>else to scratch it for you.
>>>Actually getting someone else to scratch that itch sometimes does work!
>>Right! And, the perfect way to have the itch scratched is to claim 
>>that you know better than everyone else, imply that people don't care 
>>about the end-user experience, assert that you won't even bother 
>>submitting a patch because it would be automatically rejected for no 
>>good reason, rail about flaws in open source, ignore patient attempts 
>>to explain how things work, and never give up in the face of logical 
>>arguments, relying instead on repeating all of the above ad infinitum.
>>This technique is, apparently, a sure-fire way to get someone to do 
>>something for you. We're just still in the ad infinitum stage. As soon 
>>as that stage is over, someone will surely get to work on this crucial 
>I was being funny (and I did have a smiley though I don't see it in the 
>quote). You are apparently being sarcastic.

Maybe you weren't paying attention to this whole thread?  That's the
only thing I can conclude if you somehow took offense at my "sarcasm"
which any discerning reader should be able to detect as not directed at


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