Bug fix request submitted for cscope via sourceforge:

This problem arose when using vim, but also appears when using "cscope
-d".  I get the error "cannot read trailer offset from file
cscope.out".  I browsed build.c to find that it is caused when reading
in a single number with fscanf.  To see what could be confusing
fscanf, I found the context of the "trailer offset" from
http://www1.bell-labs.com/project/wwexptools/cscope/cscope.html, which
shows that the number to be read occupies a single line along with
other space-delimited data, including the specification of the current
directory.  The space delimiting will get messed up if the current
directory contains spaces, which is often the case in Windows and
Cygwin (though it can also be the case in *nix).  P.S.: It also
happens with mlcscope.

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