When I use a Cygwin-compiled DLL on a C# program (Microsoft .NET 2.0),
C# program crash with this messagge

      4 [main] Blue 316
c:\my-software\blue\Blue\Blue\bin\Release\Blue.exe: *** fatal error -
c:\my-software\blue\Blue\Blue\bin\Release\Blue.exe: *** Incompatible
cygwin .dll -- incompatible per_process info 0 != 168

Code of this DLL is:

char *eval(char *expr)
  return "ciao";

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) 
  return TRUE;

Imported with:

public static extern string eval(string expr);

How can I resolve this problem?

Thanks to all.

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