I upgraded quite a lot of bash versions in one go, and one of my
shell-scripts broke.  I've reproduced it to a simple test case which shows
that either regex tests have turned into non-reg-ex text matches, or that I've
really misunderstood something here.  I checked the last few release
announcements and didn't see anything about the behaviour of =~ changing.

/artimi/tools/cygwin/bin $ if [[ "foo.h" =~ "foo.h" ]] ; then echo "yes" ;
else  echo "no" ; fi
/artimi/tools/cygwin/bin $ if [[ "foo.h" =~ ".*foo.h" ]] ; then echo "yes" ;
else echo "no" ; fi
/artimi/tools/cygwin/bin $ if [[ "foo.h" =~ "\.\*foo.h" ]] ; then echo "yes" ;
else echo "no" ; fi
/artimi/tools/cygwin/bin $ cygcheck -c bash
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
bash                 3.2.9-10       OK

  Reverting to 3.1-6 restores the expected behaviour (results above become
yes, yes, no).

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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