tar tf test.tar --anchored --exclude="D:/"

temp$ tar tf tartest.tar -P

temp$ tar tf tartest.tar -P --anchored --exclude='/temp'

So, if you really want to exclude your D:/Bkp files, you could enter:

 tar tf test.tar --anchored --exclude='/Bkp'

The -P option used on my test tar file forced absolute paths and I
didn't get the message "tar: Removing leading `c:/' from member
names".  In fact, this message clued me to how I might exclude the
desired file. Even though it says it removed "c:/", it appears it only
removed "c:" since I had to provide the leading / to exclude the file.

mount points may also have something to do with the behaviour:

  c:\temp on /tmp type system (binmode)
  c: on /c type system (binmode)

But, in any event, I'd also agree there's something up with --exclude.


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