On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 00:56:24 Eric Backus wrote:
> Obviously, the horse is still alive and attempting to limp along.  I predict
> it'll stay alive for quite some time longer.
> * Workaround inserting "set -o igncr" is impractical when there are lots of
> scripts.

Among my many scripts, there are some with DOS (i.e. CR LF) ending
that I prefer to leave as is (mostly to be able to edit them with

I wrote a little script that can fix bash scripts with CRs by adding
the required "set -o igncr" line.

 1. You can, of course, replace the `awk' with a simple `d2u' if
    you don't need the CRs at all.
 2. Change the `grep' arguments (mostly the "-r" and the files list)
    to suit your needs.
 3. This script will fail on a file with ":" in its name (which can
    occur only on manged mounts, because of the OS limitations)


 -------------------- cut here --------------------
#! /bin/bash -ex

chk_it ()
   while read HEAD
       echo "        Checking $HEAD"                   # show some progress
       case "$HEAD" in
           *":1:#"*"^M" )                              # ONLY (ba)sh files with 
CR ending
                   SNM=`echo "$HEAD" | cut "-d:" -f1`  # extract script name
                   echo "Fixing $SNM ++++++++++++++++++++"
                   cp -p "$SNM" "$SNM"-new             # copy with permissions
                   awk '
BEGIN          { IA = 0 }

$0 ~ /^[ ]*#/  { print $0 ; next }

                   if ( IA == 0 )
                       print "set -o igncr #\r" ;
                       IA = 1 ;

                   print $0 ;
       ' < "$SNM" > "$SNM"-new                         # add "set -o igncr" 
after initial comments

                   mv "$SNM" "$SNM"-old                # save old script
                   mv "$SNM"-new "$SNM"                # rename new to current
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

grep -E -H -I -m 1 -n -U -r -e '^#![ ]*/bin/(ba)?sh' *     \
       | cat -v | chk_it                               # check & replace CR 

##################### end of fix-cr.sh script ####################

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