> Will this have any impact on having a version of screen that works?

I have a working version of screen on Cygwin.  I use it daily, and it works
fine.  With CYGWIN=tty set, the reattachment bug appears to be solved; it
detaches and reattaches sessions normally, which was a problem for a long
time.  Not many patches are needed any more.  More patches used to be
required, one of which was specific to Win9x, but I believe that
improvements in the Cygwin DLL have rendered those unnecessary now.

At this point I know of only one main outstanding bug in screen:  when you
kill a window or the whole screen session, the child processes aren't
killed.  They hang around and you have to kill them manually.

screen is an extremely useful program, that people have been asking for in
Cygwin for a long time.  I'd be willing to package it, but when I floated
the idea a year ago or so, the feeling seemed to be that there were still
too many bugs to make it useful.  If people can live with (or even better,
test and help me try to fix) the unkilled-child-process bug, then I'm
willing.  I could release it as a test version.

Yes?  No?

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