Michael wrote:
>> Try to get rid of the ACEs that cause the "+" sign at the end of the ls
> listing.[...]
> but I don't know how to get rid of the "+". What is this "+" (???)
> called, so I can search for it and find out what to do?

It's not important, here's how my /var/empty looks (with sshd working fine):

$ ll /var
drwxr-xr-x+  2 SYSTEM  None   0 May 20  2004 empty/

It should be clear by now that you messed something pretty bad, and we haven't
found what it was from your reports, why don't you start all over again...
rename your Cygwin directory and install it again, just run the sshd config
script and don't touch anything else.
René Berber

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