On 07 March 2007 14:32, Domen Vrankar wrote:

> The problem is that a graphical IDE that serves as gdb frontend and
> works under windows (mo cygwin) sets breakpoints like this:  break
> "C:/cygwin/home/moon/uart/hello.c:69". 

  Ah, that's your problem.  The IDE is a buggy heap of garbage.  You need to
fix it or use a different one.

> If I understand correctly cygwin folder is root and home and cygdrive
> are its subfolders so all I am asking is why cant I access home
> through C:/ ... as cd C: command works and why can't I use /cygdrive/
> ... path to set a breakpoint and can this be enabled/overwritten
> somewhere in some script file or something like that?

  Because the path to the source code is embedded in the executable at compile
time, based on the exact path you passed to the compiler, and if you want gdb
to find it later, the path you supply has to match up.

  In particular, gdb is not aware of mount-points or cygdrive or any other
reason why two seemingly-different paths might in fact refer to the same file.

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