20070307 snap, was doing it with 0301 as well:

  122   85114 [main] maptest 2960 open: open (./test.txt, 0x0)
  146   85260 [main] maptest 2960 normalize_posix_path: src ./test.txt
  375   85635 [main] maptest 2960 cwdstuff::get: posix /c/WINDOWS
  198   85833 [main] maptest 2960 cwdstuff::get: (/c/WINDOWS) = cwdstuff::get 
(0x22C7B0, 260, 1, 0), errno 0
  119   85952 [main] maptest 2960 normalize_posix_path: /c/WINDOWS/test.txt = 
normalize_posix_path (./test.txt)

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