Again, until I can fix it (or more hopefully, until the
upstream maintainer can properly fix -execdir), the workaround is to use
oldfind, or wait for me to release a new findutils package.

Oh no problem with waiting, really. The workaround is sufficient for my use.

> [trying with trivial exemple on linux]
> OK it seems to work here.

Because a stock findutils on linux does not have my patch that attempts to
work around the -execdir bug.

OK, that explains it...

> So I swapped the -depth with a -prune placed just before or after
> the -exec and it does not work.

Won't matter.  -depth is global (ie, no matter where it appears in your
expression, it takes affect as though it had appeared first).

Yes, I know that for -depth, but I thought -prune effect was position

> Oh well maybe I didn't RTFM hard enough...

Unfortunately, it's not in the manual.  And you DID read hard enough, as
evidenced by the fact that you found posts mentioning that oldfind works
in this situation when find does not.

OK, I won't flagellate myself any more then... ;-)

Thank you for your work / answers, I'll wait for an updated package. If you
want me to test something, just ask.

Vincent Legoll

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