On 3/9/07, Bertrand Gourraud  wrote:

Since a recent windows update of my windows 2003 server, my sshd service
does not start anymore. When I try to start the service "cygrunsrv -S
sshd" I get the following error:

cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: StartService:  Win32 error 1069:
The service did not start due to a logon failure.

I created this service using "ssh-host-config  -y" and the "CYGWIN=
ntsec tty". In addition following the openssh.README my "sshd_server"
user has the following user rights:
    Create a token object
    Logon as a service
    Replace a process level token

This service use to work for a year, but after some recent windows
security update I not able to start it anymore. I tried to uninstall
these updates but it didn't solved my problem.

Enclosed you will find my cygcheck.out file.

Best regards,


Do you know which recent update caused the problems?

For example I have a Windows Server 2003 that runs sshd just fine.  It
has all of the Microsoft-released patches up to last month's patch
Tuesday releases.

I am attaching cygcheck and psinfo output so you can compare the
versions of stuff if you want.


Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

Attachment: psinfo.out
Description: Binary data

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