On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 12:49:10PM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 11:46:21AM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>>>Or should I just build the kernel unstripped using cygwin-1.5.24-2-src, 
>>>and debug against that?
>>Corinna has been responsible for the last few cygwin 1.5.2x releases and
>>she has a different way of generating a release than mine.  It's
>>possible that the .dbg file isn't working right or created correctly.
>This seems to be the case.  I finished a build of cygwin-1.5.24-2 (with 
>CFLAGS="-g -O0") but
> (1) the build process seems automatically to strip the dll, and 
>produce a detached .dbg file.
> (2) I got the similar behavior using my .dll/.dbg combo as I got with 
>the "official" pair from 1.5.24-2: popups -- but then insight died on 
>me.  FWIW, my .dbg file is much smaller than the official one: 350k vs. 
>Is it even possible anymore to create an "old-style" debugging 
>cygwin1.dll, with integrated rather than detached debug symbols?



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