I have been trying to get a grasp on some pthread usage starting with a couple 
simple programs.  I found this one and tried on Cygwin and didn't get what I 
expected so I tried in Linux and it worked there.  I know I have seen a lot on 
the archives about thread usage and that some things do not work (like stack 
size and stack addr) but I have also seen comments on if used properly then 
threads do work.  

I have compiled my simple program in Cygwin and Linux as 

g++ mythread_simple.cpp -o mythread_simple.exe

In Cygwin I when I compile I get this 

$ ./mythread_simple
Starting main now
Creating thread 0

0: hello world!
Creating thread 1
Creating thread 2
Creating thread 3
Creating thread 4

At this point I have to hit CTRL-C to break out.  And when I run in in linux I 

Starting main now
Creating thread 0
Creating thread 1
Creating thread 2
Creating thread 3
Creating thread 4

0: hello world!

1: hello world!

2: hello world!

3: hello world!

4: hello world!

Which is what I would expect.  I have attached the program and my cygcheck log. 
Any information, confirmation or assistance greatly appreciated.


Attachment: mythread_simple.cpp
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygcheck.log
Description: Binary data

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