Hi All...

From: "Charles D. Russell" Subject: Re: Accessing remote PC (ssh?)
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 10:29:11 -0600

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

could check your network settings under Windows to see if it properly
points to your router for DNS.

Can this advice be reduced to a simple instruction for someone who
doesn't understand what he is doing?  One reason I use Cygwin is to
avoid having to learn anything about Windows.

Simply killing known_hosts when necessary is a pretty good solution for
me, since the IP adresses seem stable for weeks at a time, perhaps until
I go out of town for a while and leases run out. I don't know whether
these leases come from Windows or from the router. If I understand
correctly, Windows XP can support a LAN even without a router.

You could also create a config file in your .ssh directory and suppress storing the ip address in the known_hosts file for the addresses that change from time to time. Try

man ssh_config

for details.


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