* Robert Peaslee (Fri, 16 Mar 2007 16:52:40 -0400)
> Actually, this information is incorrect.
> Windows XP stores the first username you choose and will associate your 
> current username to it regardless of what you change it to. Cygwin 
> stores nothing, it is asking Windows what your username is and getting a 
> response of what Windows tells it.

Cygwin asks Windows at first install about the user names and creates 
/etc/passwd. The problem is (or can be) that this list never gets updated 
even if the user names change or new user are added.

As Keith wrote:
"Subsequent installations of CygWin utilize the aforementioned out of 
date username list, even though those usernames have been changed and 
are no longer valid."

The secret is to run

mkpasswd -l -c > /etc/passwd
mkgroup -l -c > /etc/group

Also you have to run this if you're in a domain (because Cygwin retrieves 
only the local user names, not the domain names).


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