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Brian Dessent wrote:

> C. The motivation to do this is somewhat sapped by the fact that native
> Win32 binaries (and even fancy automated GUI one-click installers) have
> existed for the Apache/PHP/MySQL stack for quite a while, so the Windows
> user can simply use these if they really need to work with PHP.  And I'm
> positive that these native versions are much faster than their Cygwin
> counterparts.  So the only remaining reason for wanting a Cygwin port of
> the stack is for people that need to replicate a unix environment as
> closely as possibe.  But even then, the win32 native ones can come
> pretty close in most respects.
> Brian

Just my point Brian, using both os (win,*nix ) in a trail and error
environment means that it would be a great help if I could use cygwin's
apache in combination with php. Either by bridging f.i. the cgi version
or a cygwin native. It would enable me to test a lot of nix stuff on
several windows stations I come across. I prefer cygwin because it's
faster then the windowed emus around. As you probably know especially
when it comes to webservers them paths and permissions can realy be a
drag in a php module that should run on both systems. Even though php
itself does a great job here.

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