On 11-Apr-2007 16:30, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
| If you have to do this by symlinking sendmail (which I still don't like,
| but that's just me), can't you move the creation to cron-config, so you
| can ask the user for permission before you do it?

Yes, but there are always those that do it by hand and then complain.
Yeah, but it they ignore the excellent installation and diagnostics scripts included in your package, they've deserved all the abuse they're going to get on this list, no? :-)

I absolutely want to avoid disturbing existing installations, so understanding
exactly what happened would help.
But even when this bug is fixed, simply installing cron will silently create a somewhat dysfunctional sendmail, on machines where ssmtp or exim isn't installed or configured. This means that if another program tries to use sendmail, it will seem to work and there won't be any error message.

It would be best, IMHO, if you didn't create symlink at all, to a sendmail that can't send mail, but if you have to, it should at least be done after warning the user very loudly.

– Michael

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