On 5/16/07, Oliver Walsh <Oliver.Walsh(MUHNUMANAH!)ansys.com> wrote:
>>I'm wondering -- just as a data point, if you tried building on a
>>dual-core, but setting all of your cygwin processes to run on one

I used imagecfg.exe to set the affinity for all of the cygwin exes. It
sorted out a lot of problems (pthread errors IIRC) I was hitting on a
2-way dualcore with a recent cygwin installation.

Ollie Walsh

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PMI, but wouldnt there need to be a driver of some sort to run the
what kind of computer is this "test" machine - and on these other
machines, are they the OEM copy of Windows XP, fresh install with NO
drivers whatsoever OTHER than the ones provided by m$?
i know that my sony laptop had like 23 drivers that mucked with the
dual-coreness of my laptop - from affinity to certain processes in
memory - all the way to the kernel modes. down (at one point in my
traces) to the CPU's raw iron

one of them (for Intel Mac processors with Dual Cores in some stores)
there was a driver that would not allow Cygwin to talk to the device
like UNIX does because it did not have "Hyperviser" mode access -
special access to let the software kernel run on the CPU directly...
(listen to "security now - Blue Pill" for more info) - x86 normal
systems are fine with the system at current because they do not allow
for Hypervisor.

Morgan gangwere

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