On 5/16/07, Dave Korn <dave.korn(diespammers)artimi.com> wrote:
On 16 May 2007 20:33, Chadwick wrote:

> Cygwin is currently installed on over a hundred windows 2003 servers, and is
> used to do some admin tasks as well as to pull files from the servers on a
> daily basis via ssh.  One of the files pulled from each server is a windows
> ZIP file.
> I want to add an extra file to this ZIP file using a script.  I looked at
> both DOS batch scripts and cygwin shell scripts but have run into problems
> because the cygwin installed on these boxes doesnt contain ZIP.exe, and the
> PKZIP.exe I would used with a batch script is so old it only accepts 8.3
> filenames.

  Could you pull /both/ the zip and the new file by ssh, and just install and
use zip.exe on the one machine where you're receiving them, and add the file
to the zip there?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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i hate to interject, but why not use a binary of 7zip's extractor - it
can run in batch mode and keeps file permissions

(all it needs is 7za.exe and a DLL for the compression algorithms)

I use it like this:
wget http://my_main_server.com/current.tar.gz CURRENT.TGZ
7za (whatever options are needed to EXTRACT to dir "c:\www\docs\") CURRENT.GZ

where CURRENT.TGZ is a daily archive of the site -- even on my windows
machines it keeps the chmod permissions on an upload folder that HAS
to be set rwxrwxrw- (or the PHP fails)

Just a thought... :)

Morgan gangwere

"Space does not reflect society, it expresses it." -- Castells, M.,
Space of Flows, Space of Places: Materials for a Theory of Urbanism in
the Information Age, in The Cybercities Reader, S. Graham, Editor.
2004, Routledge: London. p. 82-93.

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