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Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> * Dave Korn (Wed, 30 May 2007 11:18:12 +0100)
>> On 30 May 2007 11:08, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>>> * Jean-Pierre Bogler (Wed, 30 May 2007 07:16:42 +0200)
>>>> I hope you can help me, I'm really having problems to install cygwin.
>>>> My OS is Win2k SP 2. I have downloaded the latest version of setup.exe
>>>> (2.510.2.2) and stored it into C:\cyginstall.
>>>> I started the installation with administrator rights. Then I went through
>>>> the installation choosing: 
>>>> - Installation from Internet
>>>> - C:\cygwin as root path
>>>> The download process worked well an the installation began. After the
>>>> installation I decided to add a desktop icon and double clicked on it.
>>>> The dos box told me that it can't change the directory und can't find
>>>> bash.exe :(, so I looked into the C:\cygwin directory.
>>>> The only installed directories are: etc, lib, sbin, usr, var. And the
>>>> files: cygwin.bat and cygwin.ico. There is no bin directory!
>>>> The setup.log file is full of the complaining listed below (... means that
>>>> the message above appears more than once).
>>>> I hope you can help me. Many thanks in advance!
>>> I mean sorry, why don't you have a look at it yourself?! It's not
>>> Sanskrit and it's pretty self-explaining. "running: c:\Dokumente und
>>> Einstellungen\Wohnzimmer\Desktop\PDFMergeW\PDFMerge\bin\\bash.exe -
>>> c" - couldn't get much more explicit, could it?
>>   Yes, but that's very far from an explanation of just how on earth the bin 
>> directory got installed in such an unexpected place, particularly when all 
>> the other directories ended up in the correct location.
> "A small tool to merge several PDF files into one PDF file (based on 
> Ghostscript). It has the following the features: Add/Remove PDF files; 
> Adjust the order of the PDF files; Merge the PDF file based on 
> ps2pdf."
> I guess PDFMerge brings its own small cygwin/bash/ghostscript 
> installation with it.
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SAME with irssi and such - you gotta take them out totally before you
can do much else.

and yes its a bunch of 3pp who did this - i just remember to take
"c:\program files\irssi\bin\" or whatever out of my PATH.

also, cygwin1.dll apparently does something to the registry? where it
lives, it thinks that that is bin/


hope that helps :)
- --
Just a Thought
Morgan Gangwere

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