Hi cgf,

> You must be referring to newlib if you are talking about Makefile.am.
> newlib has its own mailing list newlib at sourceware PERIOD org .
> You'll need to talk to the maintainer of newlib if you are adding a new
> function there.

I have contacted the newlib maintainer about the patch, thanks for the
contact point. I have some legal issues with the licensing to work with
cygwin but once its done, will I have to offer a patch to cygwin.din file or
someone from cygwin will take care of it?
> >4-My generated libcygwin.a is 3.6MB vs 953KB for the one distributed with
> >the cygwin binaries. Obviously, I did not build the same thing. Does
> someone
> >have an idea about what would explain that difference?
> The standard answer: debugging symbols.

It makes sense. How do I generate the lib without the debug symbols then?

Thank you very much for the explanations cgf!

Olivier Langlois

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