Dave Korn wrote:

> > (could that fact that I'm using x64 be contributing to the problem?)
>   Unlikely to be related.

It turns out that x64 is indeed causing the discrepancy.
From http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/06/05/x64/default.aspx :

"File activity from a Win32 process that would normally go to the
System32 directory instead goes to a directory named SysWow64."

.. so accessing c:/windows/system32' in 32-bit cygwin (zsh or bash)
actually gets silently redirected to the c:/windows/syswow64 directory.
By default, cmd.exe runs in 64-bit mode and `dir' then displays the
contents of the "real" c:/windows/system32 directory. (in fact, running
cmd.exe from zsh invokes cmd in 32-bit mode and `dir' is then redirected
to the syswow64 directory.)

It seems the MKS tools turn off this redirection by default, and
provides an env variable (TK_WOW64FSREDIR_ON) for enabling it:

Perhaps something similar should be added to cygwin, as otherwise it's
impossible to access any files in the "real" system32 directory.
Incidentally, would cygwin be able to exec such 64-bit programs?


    --- John.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cooper 
Sent: 07 June 2007 12:13
To: 'cygwin@cygwin.com'
Cc: John Cooper
Subject: Certain files in the system32 directory are not listed

Some files that exist in the C:/WINDOWS/system32 directory are not
listed when running `ls' or `echo' from a cygwin bash or zsh shell.
Examples include mstsc.exe and iisapp.vbs.

These files are both listed when running 'dir' in a Windows cmd prompt -
they also do not seem to be "hidden" according to `attrib' and `dir /a'.

Cygwin `ls' lists 1757 files in this directory whereas cmd's `dir' lists
Does anyone know what might be causing this?

I'm running on Windows Server 2003 SP1 (x64) and appear to have Cygwin
(could that fact that I'm using x64 be contributing to the problem?)


    --- John

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