
Eric Blake wrote:

If it were truly C++, you would have also showed the include files and
preprocessor macros that you used.  If you want help on this issue,
provide a COMPILABLE example, and preferably one that is not so masked by
macros that it looks more like pascal than C++.

here we are.

The problem has nothing to do with the program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
   int res;
   struct   stat     Stat;

   res = 0;
if (stat ("/usr/X11R6/share/doc/lesstif-0.94.4/html/Lessdox", &Stat) == 0)
      printf ("Mode: %lX\n", (unsigned long) Stat.st_mode);
      if (S_ISDIR (Stat.st_mode))
         printf ("Directory flag is set.\n");
      if (S_ISREG (Stat.st_mode))
         printf ("Is a regular file.\n");
      if (S_ISLNK (Stat.st_mode))
         printf ("Link flag is set.\n");

plus the make file

CFLAGS  += -I .                 \
                -funsigned-char         \

Inter   = Inter/
Run     = Run/
obj     = .obj
exe     = .exe
make    = .make

All:    test${make}             \
                teststat.cpp    \
                ${Inter}teststat${obj}                  \

${Inter}teststat${obj}: teststat.cpp
        g++ ${CFLAGS} -c teststat.cpp -o ${Inter}teststat${obj}

${Run}teststat${exe}:   ${Inter}teststat${obj}
        g++ ${CFLAGS}                   \
                ${Inter}teststat${obj}  \
                -o ${Run}teststat${exe}

The result is the same as before.


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