On 05 July 2007 17:17, Bob McConnell wrote:

> All of the timing is based on the serial data being exchanged with the
> host system. Without that interaction, there is nothing left to examine.

  Without testing it you have no way of knowing whether that is important or
not.  It could be that there's an interaction in cygwin when separate
processes both try and take mutexes at the same time for example, perhaps they
both need to access some locked structure in the shared memory and one of them
is forgetting to unlock it for instance?

  Making assumptions is not the scientific approach, doing experiments is.

> The requirement to place my additions under GPL only kicks in _IF_ I
> distribute the combined work. 

  Yes, absolutely so.

> As long as I keep it private, I can do
> anything I want with it. 

  Also correct.

> Sending a copy of it to one support tech to
> debug that vendor's library does not constitute distribution, AFAICT.

  Utterly comprehensively wrong.  Sorry.

  The only thing that "does not constitute distribution" is giving it to other
individuals within your organisation; if I worked for the same firm as you,
you could give me a binary without that conferring gpl rights on me, because
basically it counts as keeping it private.

> I am bound here by company policy and the desire to keep my job.

  I fully understand; your hands are tied.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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