Corinna Vinschen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug  2 17:22, wynfield wrote:
> > Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > > You probably removed the R/O attribute from the .lnk files.  It's
> > > essential for shortcats to be recognized as Cygwin symlinks.  Try
> > > something along the lines of
> > 
> > What is the "R/O" attribute.
> Ever heard about DOS attributes?  READONLY, SYSTEM, HIDDEN, etc.

I was thinking in terms of unix permission where r is read only unless w is 
also specifed to get write permissions.   DOS attributes did not enter my mind. 

I must have somewhow removed the NTFS*s read only attribute somehow.  

Its effects are starting to show up.  When re-installing with setup

> People asked for it for interoperability with Windows Explorer.  U/WIN
> uses them, too.
> There are two of them, one kind with the SYSTEM attribute set, another
> one which are Windows shortcuts (with .lnk suffix) and R/O DOS attribute
> set.  The SYSTEM type was the only one until 2001, default until 2002,
> and still produced by setup.exe.  The Windows shortcut type is created
> by Cygwin since 2001 and default since 2002.
> The R/O attribute is necessary to recognize .lnk files as Cygwin
> symlinks.  This is a measure for speed.  Testing the attribute is much
> faster than opeing the file and reading it all the time.

Thanks for the useful explanation.


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