----- Original Message ----- 
From: "shash" <shashikiran.v>
To: <cygwin>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:39 AM
Subject: Cygwin Cron problem

| Hi,
| Before I start, I would like to inform that, I went through all FAQs and
| other threads before posting here.
| I came across this thread where I faced the similar error, but couldn't get
| what they did to resolve it.
| I 'm trying to schedule a shell script on cygwin using cron. No matter what
| I do I don't seem to get the cron job executing my bash script.
| My script is temp.sh
| echo `date` > /home/test/temp.log
| crontab -e is having the following details
| * * * * * sh /home/test/temp.sh > /home/test/temp.sh.err 2>&1
| I did use the paths in the script itself and I also used the windows path
| where the cygwin installed(/cygdrive/d/cygwin/).
| I also tried using the following by editing the crontab:
| * * * * * date > /home/test/date.txt
| Still not working. I don't have administrator login. I ran the
| cron_diagnose.sh and it din't give me any errors.

When you run cron_diagnose.sh you should see the following on the screen:
If you cannot fix the problem, then report it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please run the script /usr/bin/cronbug and ATTACH its output
(the file cronbug.txt) to your e-mail.
Please do that after you have tried to launch cron with cron-config.


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