On Aug 13 05:28, DaveB wrote:
> My cygwin on Vista seems to work but when I try to do rsync to fixup files on
> my unix ftp server, it chokes with lots of errors and does a bizarre reset
> of the permission bits for the destination folder.  Here's what happens: 
> [this is the same rsync command that works fine on XP]: 
> =========================== 
> $ rsync -avz --stats --progress -e ssh . [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mypath/wherever/ 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: xxxxxx 
> building file list ... 
> 8 files to consider 
> ./ 
> rsync: failed to modify permissions on "/mypath/wherever/.": Permission
> denied (13) 
> rsync: recv_generator: failed to stat "/mypath/wherever/firstfile.xxx":
> Permission denied (13) 
> rsync: recv_generator: failed to stat "/mypath/wherever/secondfile.xxx":
> Permission denied (13) 
> ...etc... 
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/mypath/wherever/." failed: Permission denied
> (13) 
> *** Skipping everything below this failed directory *** 


For testing I copied over the whole /usr directory from my Vista box to
a Linux machine.  I'm rather puzzled how setting permissions on the
*remote* machine should be affected by the OS of the source machine.

I guess we need much more information.  Are the affected directories
Cygwin-created directories or natively created dirs?  Do they contain
spaces or native characters?  What are the local permissions on them
(getfacl/cacls)?  Does your Vista account have admin privileges?  UAC
switched on?  If so, is rsync running normally with reduced privileges
or "as administrator"?  Is your remote Unix account root or non-root?


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