On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 09:58:31AM -0500, Robert Pendell wrote:
> One other thing I wanted to add to this was make sure the drives are not 
> overheating.  Some drives will actually shut down or begin to act 
> erratically if they get too hot.  I discovered this when doing work with 
> my external drive (notebook ide using usb adapter).
> P.S. - The reason for this issue was because I had the drive near an 
> exhaust vent for my laptop -- mistake :(  It is normally fast enough to 
> handle high speed burns or file transfers as necessary.

Thank you for the suggestion, but little script does its
work in 30 seconds or so, so the problem is occurring when
the computer has been moving a few little files around for
just a few minutes at most.

Tom Baker


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