On 14 December 2007 03:12, Andrew DeFaria wrote:

> Dave Korn wrote:
>> DynaLoader is just spitting out the bog-standard canned error message
>> that perror() returns for ENOENT.
> Oh I totally understand that. I guess what I'm saying is - could it be a
> wee bit more, ahem, helpful!
>> There's certainly no reason why it couldn't look out for that
>> particular errno and issue a more detailed explanation, instead of
>> relying solely on the default.
> But it doesn't, and that's essentially the point.

  Well, PTC I'm sure.  But there's a limited use to tweaking the error message
text if it still can't tell you /which/ file was missing, and that would mean
adding a whole bunch of PE-reading functionality to do it right.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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