Brian Mathis wrote:
> Because when you package something using a distro's packaging system,
> you can start to have other programs that depend on it install them
> automatically using the package system.  Also, installing from CPAN,
> while very easy to do, does not keep track or even know about a
> distro's package management system.  So if you wanted to remove it
> later, it is not easy to do, and you could easily run into problems
> where you have installed one version from CPAN, then another package
> requires that module, but because you installed via CPAN it doesn't
> know that, and will then install an older version, overwriting your
> CPAN-installed version.
Just two more cents: No one mentioned that CPAN is a source distribution
and cygwin is a binary distribution. For those modules that require
compilation, pre-packaging means the module can be easily installed on a
system that doesn't have a compiler installed.

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