As seen from lists.cygwin, on
Thu, 13 Dec 2007 15:51:46 -0800, Brian Dessent wrote:

>glib != glibc.

Yeah, I realized my error (faulty memory) just an hour or two ago when
I ran setup again and read the short package descriptions: glib is part
of GNOME, and Cygwin Ports doesn't have a port of glibc. :(

>And I don't see why this is specific to Cygwin Ports, because the main
>Cygwin distro has glib and glib2 as well.

It's not specific to CP-- they host the standard Cygwin distro as well,
which is convenient when a CP package has dependencies.

>But again these are *not* in any way related to glibc.

Yep, this error brought to you by an arguably POSIX-noncompliant
environment running on 52-year-old wetware, which is consequently
subject to bit rot from time to time...

"Sorry, my life is still in beta, and nowhere near stable enough for a

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