> Whoa - it seldom makes sense to use -i and -c simultaneously - what good

What i'm actually trying to do is have a right-click menu in windows so that
when i right click on a file i can choose head from the context menu, and it
will send the top 10 lines of the file to vim.  I have gvim (windows version)
aliased in my .bashrc so that's why i'm using the -i switch.

What i have done is created the following registry key:
with the (default) value set to: 
C:\CYGWIN\bin\bash -i -c "head $(cygpath -a '%1') | vim -R -"

This works perfectly for local files, but does not work at all for network
shares via UNCs due to the problem stated earlier.

> bash -c "cygpath -a '"'\\uncpath\mydrive$'\'

This works! but i can't figure out how to make it work for this scenario

bash -i -c "head $(cygpath -a 

Maybe i have the quotes messed up, or maybe i'm going about doing this all 

> By the way, none of this tutorial on shell quoting is cygwin specific.

Thanks again for the help.  

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