On 21 January 2008 17:21, Dave Korn wrote:

> tar tjf `find /win/c/cygwin.src/ -name 'bash-3.2.25-17.tar.bz2'` \
>   | gzip > /etc/setup/bash.lst.gz
>   Once you've done that, try zcat on it as before to verify that it's valid,
> then try again with setup.

  BTW, just deleting it and rerunning setup might also do the job, as at
but sometimes it doesn't work, as at 

  It's also possible that the tarball in the package directory might be
corrupted and this somehow causes the problem, in which case we would expect
to see an error message during the attempt to regenerate the lst.gz file.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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