On 23 January 2008 13:06, Shai wrote:

> when trying
> to run any command I get a "command not found" type result. 

> Now, if I cd /bin and type the command ./ls.exe I get the list of the
> directory, but if I try something like ./cvs.exe .. I get the bash
> again. Meaning, no output.

> $ /bin/cvs.exe --help also shows no output and just jumps to the next
> line in bash.

> Any ideas why this fresh install isn't working as expected?

  Could be an error during install left you with one or more missing files,
these symptoms are very typical of a missing DLL.  Run "cygcheck /bin/cvs.exe"
to find out, it'll tell you if anything's missing.  If so, you should be able
to fix it by just running setup.exe again and clicking 'next' all the way
through without changing the settings; it'll verify your installation and
repair/replace anything that's missing.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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