WARNING:  This email contains SERIOUSLY dangerous advice.  Don't try this at
home kids, DaveK is a highly-trained^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H reckless nutter.

On 28 January 2008 09:22, Eric Lilja wrote:

> Hello, I messed up royally today when I was merging two bash scripts.
> When I was going to test if my argument handling worked I had forgot to
> comment out a call to "rm -f" that took a relative path and since the
> script wasn't executed where it was supposed to it removed several
> files. Many of those are easily replaced but some were source files that
> have been modified the past months and the last backup was from july
> 23rd 2007. =/

#include <std_advice.h>  ;-)

> I know I should robustify my script but I was wondering if there's an
> equivalent of the recycle bin I can use so I can easily restore files
> that were not supposed to be deleted?

  Yep, sysinternals do a thing that patches into the low-level disk drivers
and provides a system-wide recycle bin facility entirely independent of the
Explorer shell recycle bin, it should run just fine underneath cygwin.


  Hmm, I can't seem to find it right now....  



<looks some more>

  Nope, those microsoft scumbags have withdrawn it, presumably because it came
with source code and they hate that, in fact they've entirely erased it from
history, it is an un-software, there's not a mention of it anywhere on
microsoft.com, not even a "we have withdrawn this" announcement.

  Gotta love that web archive :)


  For those who prefer their URLs unwrapped:

http://tinyurl.com/22zot8  [ homepage ]
http://tinyurl.com/yrcs87  [ exe ]
http://tinyurl.com/yqgmc6  [ sources! ]

  Now, the catch:  This software is unsupported these days and may or may not
work well on anything more recent than win2k.  XP, 2k3 and Vista all introduce
changes to the IFS (installable filesystem) device model, and it's possible
that this code won't play happily with any/and/or/all of them.  It's
impossible to underestimate how dangerous playing with unverified disk filter
drivers is, although the words
LYDISAPPEARTO?" should give you some feel for the scale of the potential
dangers.  YMMV, I have no knowledge of the situation, it's possible that
everything will be fine, but I cannot recommend trying this software on any
machine that you are not *completely* happy with the idea of wiping and
reinstalling from scratch on.  TAKE LOTS OF BACKUPS!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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