On Feb 6, 2008, at 9:55, Dave Korn wrote:

How do the perms on /home/av16209/.ssh/* look? How do they look with

Interesting. I had CYGWIN set to "binmode tty ntsec" according to some instructions I found by googling. Here are the relevant results:

  bash-3.2$ CYGWIN=ntsec /bin/ls -ld ~/.ssh
  drwxr-xr-x 1 av16209 Domain Users 0 Feb  6 09:28 //solid/av16209/.ssh
  bash-3.2$ CYGWIN=smbntsec /bin/ls -ld ~/.ssh
drwx------+ 1 av16209 Domain Users 0 Feb 6 09:28 //solid/ av16209/.ssh

So it appears that CYGWIN=smbntsec is what I want. How can I reconfigure the sshd service to use that setting?


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