On Feb 29 09:16, Matthieu CASTET wrote:
> Hi,
> Dave Korn <dave.korn <at> artimi.com> writes:
> > 
> >   Because it has to emulate unix perms by relating uid/gid to windows RIDs,
> which are owned, allocated and
> > controlled by the system, and not under the arbitrary choice of the user, so
> the semantics wouldn't be the
> > same even if we did create ACLs with unrecognised SIDs on them.
> > 
> Another question, why isn't possible to mount the partition with a special 
> flag
> (like managed mode), where the permision are stored in a database instead of
> trying to map them on windows perms.

Why do you want to fake security when yoi can get the real thing?


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